Solutions for cities

Urban Development


Transport Oriented Development – DOT today represents one of the main ways to build and transform cities into more dynamic, sustainable and integrated spaces for people.

The DOT strategy constitutes guidelines to avoid urban sprawl and promote the efficient use of the city’s infrastructure, bringing housing areas and job opportunities closer together by encouraging the mixed use of land close to public transport axes.


Complete Streets are streets designed to provide safety and comfort for all people, of all ages, users of all transportation modes. The concept is based on distributing space in a more democratic way, benefiting everyone. There is no single solution for a Complete Street.

All the best urban design alternatives can be incorporated as long as they respond to the local context of the area where they are located, reflect the identity of the street, and the priorities of that community. One of the main objectives of Complete Street projects is to prioritize travel by public transportation, walking, and cycling. (WRI, 2017)


According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2020), Nature-based Solutions are actions that aim to “protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems, which effectively and adaptively address social challenges, promoting human well-being and biodiversity benefits”.

To consider NBS in urban planning is to identify the potential for effective integration of the ecosystem into the city environment, while NBS forms are generally already elements of adaptation and promote resilient infrastructure tools to extreme climate events.


Tactical urbanism is a set of interventions aimed at improving road safety and helping to create quality public spaces. Actions, in general, at small and medium scales, such as at bus stops, pedestrian crossings, squares and paintings, promote the reappropriation of urban space by its main users: people.

By redefining cities through quick, reversible, and low-cost changes, tactical urbanism creates friendlier spaces for citizens and motivates people to enjoy the environments, bringing greater vitality and safety to urban centers.


Mobility as a Service is an intelligent mobility that offers a personalized and integrated user experience. In practice, MaaS aims to integrate transportation modes into a single payment package. The idea is that the user pays a single fee to access an integrated package of services, composing the desired route and opting for the most convenient modes.